Friday, January 15, 2010

First post

I suppose I should start with the most pressing topic currently: the nature of knowledge. I say pressing, as if there is some kind of a time crunch, but rather it is more like the kind of pressure that you get when you plug up a hose, in that there's been a lot that has encouraged thoughts about this in the past year or so...

1 comment:

  1. I read some time ago that, because all information is ultimately subjective, the only measure of truth is independent consensus. That is, something is true if multiple parties conclude it without interacting. Then, logically, the only legitimate refutation is a more powerful independent consensus that counters the original claim. This seems to be a beautifully broad definition for truth, as it is provides not constraints on the method of archiving experience.

    In our world, science holds some undeserved preeminence in the realm of truth-gathering. There are alternative methods that are at least as valuable and meaningful. While the scientific approach does have a major advantage in that it provides the best framework for experiential independence, it by no means is the only source of insight.

    The difficulty is that these days alternative methods are increasingly complicated by globalized communication. Independent experiences are becoming more rare as ideas have a broader sphere of influence.
